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The Best Episodes And Lines From “Friends”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Are you sick of seeing the same 10 episodes of “Friends” on TV every week? Well, as many of you may already know, “Friends” is coming to Netflix January 1, 2015. ALL 236 episodes. Here is a recap from some of the best episodes (in our opinion) from one of the greatest, most iconic shows to ever air on television.

1. When Ross gets a spray tan.

In “The One with Ross’s Tan,” Ross becomes jealous of Monica’s tan legs (weird) and she refers him to her salon. I don’t think he got the memo that when in the booth, you’re supposed to count to five “mississippilessly” and then turn around.

2. “The One Where Ross is Fine.”

Ross invites Rachel and Joey over for a dinner party with him and Charlie after he finds out about their new romance to prove that he is completely FINE with it. Two burnt fajita hands, three pitchers of margaritas and one speech about love later, Ross comes to terms that he is definitely not fine with it.


When Ross buys a couch from two blocks down the street from his apartment and refuses to pay the delivery charge, he and Rachel attempt to carry it to his building. Reinforcements were called upon when the two couldn’t get the couch up the stairs.

4. “They don’t know we know they know we know!”

In “The One Where Everybody Finds Out,” Rachel and Phoebe form a master plan for Phoebe to seduce Chandler to get him to admit his secret love affair with Monica. Chandler and Monica find out about the scheme and play a little game of their own.

5. “The One Where No One’s Ready.”

In “The One Where No One’s Ready,” Ross tries to round the gang up for one of his paleontology seminars, and their idea of getting ready is putting on each other’s clothes and drinking fat from the refrigerator.

6. Unagi.

Phoebe and Rachel decide to take a women’s self-defense class and Ross tries to convince them that the instructor taught them wrong. He claims that all they need to know about self-defense is “Unagi.” In reality, it just makes Phoebe and Rachel hungry for a salmon skin roll from the sushi place across the street.

7. Baby got back.

In “The One with Ross’s Inappropriate Song,” Ross’s sole purpose is to just get Emma to laugh. You would think a way to do that would be to play Peek-a-Boo or “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” However, the only thing to get her to laugh is by singing and dancing to Sir Mix-A-Lot’s, “Baby Got Back.”

8. The trivia game.

Rachel and Monica get fed up with Joey and Chandler’s chick and duck across the hall so Ross creates a trivia game about the friends with steep wages. If Rachel and Monica win, Joey and Chandler give up the farm animals. If Joey and Chandler win, Rachel and Monica give up the apartment. If you are a true “Friends” fanatic, you know how this bet ends.

9. “OH. MY. GAWD.”

Nothing tops off a “Friends” throwback than one of the most iconic lines from the show from one of the most annoying people, like, ever. If this doesn’t make you so excited for the show to be on Netflix, then I don’t know what will.

HC Contributer Mizzou