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5 Ways To Get Your Guy To See ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ This V-Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

You know you want to go. It would be the perfect Valentine’s Day present. And you know your boyfriend likes watching sex… so why not?

1. Start simple. Even though he makes fun of your obsession with the movie, he might just be trying to show you that he’s super masculine and actually might want to see it too. Start constantly mentioning how much you want to see “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Like every day. 

2. Drop some bigger hints. Maybe casually leave your favorite furry handcuffs on the kitchen counter before dinner. Or, you know, those nipple clamps you maybe have in the back of the closet, leave those out too (note: not where his roommates can find them).

3. Bring in the threats. Tell him about the new incredibly sexy Victoria’s Secret lingerie you bought for Valentine’s Day. Maybe even show a picture. Then tell him you returned it because you didn’t think he would appreciate it enough, which also means there will be no shenanigans on Valentine’s Day. And if that doesn’t pique his interest in seeing the movie, remember those nipple clamps, buddy? Your turn. 

4. Resort to begging. “I’m sorry if the nipple clamps hurt. I will do anything you want to make up for it if you take us to Fifty Shades.” … “Yes, anything!” …  “NO, NOT THAT.”

5. Break up. This is a last resort. If he cares about your happiness, he will take you. In case my boyfriend reads this article, I’m totally joking. Screw that, I need to see this movie.  

Sarah Kloepple is a junior journalism student at Mizzou. She embraces her addiction to good television and the fact that she knows way too much movie trivia. Originally from St. Louis, Sarah loves spending time with family and friends and stopping frequently at any good frozen custard place (preferably Ted Drewe's). When she's not with her oldest friend Netflix, you can find her typing furiously on her computer somewhere or reading a good book outside. Follow her on Twitter: @skloep.