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4 Tips For Healthier Orders At Starbucks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

We all love our sweet frappuccinos and lattes at Starbucks, but it is very easy to forget that, yes, sweet, caffeinated drinks do come with ingredient lists and nutrition information too. Fear not! There are several healthier options to choose from when ordering at Starbucks.

1. Go nonfat. Ordering a nonfat latte instead of keeping it regular with two percent milk will not just make your order sound stereotypical, it will be a bit healthier too. Compared to a regular latte, ordering your drink nonfat will reduce the calories, total fat, cholesterol and sodium usually hidden in your drink.

2. Stick to plain coffee. Props to you if you can take your coffee black, because Starbucks’ Featured Dark Roast is actually one of the healthiest options on the menu. It is very low in calories and if you are truly in need of a caffeine kick, a grande cup of coffee has approximately over 300 mg of caffeine.

3. Try tea. If you cannot bear the bitterness of coffee, tea is also a great option. Along with caffeine that is sure to start your day, various types of teas provide several other health benefits, according to WebMD. Of course, with both plain tea and coffee, added sweetener may decrease the healthiness of your beverage.

4. Skip the whip. It may be the sweetest part of ordering your favorite frappuccino, but whipped cream adds over 100 calories on a grande pumpkin spice frappucino. It may be a sweet treat to top off your savory drink, but ordering without whipped cream is a healthier choice.

While it is sometimes the healthier option to watch the ingredients of what you drink, it is not the end of the world if you indulge a bit; these are just suggestions and are in no way meant to be strictly followed as health guidelines. Treat yourself and don’t let worry overcome you about your caloric intake each time you hear the doorbell chime as you enter the sweet aroma of Starbucks.

I am a Journalism major at The University of Missouri. Although I am a freshman, I am already loving college life here in Columbia. In addition to being involved with HerCampus, I also work with MUTV, the student television station at Mizzou.
HC Contributer Mizzou