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Welcome to Her Campus Millersville!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Welcome, Millersville collegiettes™! I’m Amber, the Her Campus Millersville Campus Correspondent. Some of you may already know me (if you don’t, just look for a brunette wearing DZ letters in the Hash building… it’s most likely me), but I figured I’d introduce myself.

I’m a Public Relations major entering my senior year at MU. I’m a very proud sister of Delta Zeta and extremely involved in Greek life here. Lancaster has been my home since I was 4 years old, and I’ll admit it—Lancaster is NOT as bad as I like to pretend it is. I find blogs and social media fascinating, so I can spend hours reading posts and clicking around. I’m also obsessed with Glamour and have always dreamed of working for a magazine, so I am BEYOND psyched to be able to bring Her Campus to the Ville.
Now I’ll leave you with some fun facts—
My first job was… Miller’s Smorgasbord (go there for breakfast, it’s delicious!). I have since upgraded from the restaurant to the Quilt Shop, where I have loved working for the past five years now.
My guilty pleasure is… pretty much every TV show I watch. I wish I could say I watched shows with more depth, but no, my DVR is full of Jersey Shore, Glee, Pretty Little Liars and Dance Moms.
I could not live without… my phone. Did any of you have Dr. Schreiber for Comm 101? She made us give her our phones for two days for extra credit, and I about died. 
My favorite movie is… Almost Famous. I can’t decide if I’d rather be William or Penny Lane.
I am currently reading… not even gonna lie, the second book in the Lying Game series, Never Have I Ever, by Sara Shepard.
The most played song on my iTunes is… The General by Dispatch.
My favorite scent is… my Christmas at the Beach candle from Yankee Candle. Coconut smells SO GOOD.
The best place I’ve ever travelled to is… a toss up between London and Delta Zeta National Headquarters in Oxford, Ohio. Foreign countries are cool and all, but walking the same paths as your founders is amazing!
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading, and keep coming back this week to meet the rest of the Her Campus Millersville team as well as to check out the rest of what Her Campus Millersville has to offer!
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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.