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Millersville Students Send Love To Puerto Rico

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

This past hurricane season was a devastating one. Texas and Florida saw huge amounts of damage, but the relief efforts seemed to have forgotten that the island of Puerto Rico was next to leveled. Thousands are homeless and have no access to food or clean water, and the death toll is still rising as more and more bodies are found amongst the destruction.

It made me sick hearing about everything going on. I felt like there was nothing I could do, but I had an overwhelming feeling that I to try.

About a month ago, I reached out to fellow Millersville student, Phil Rooney, and asked him about whether or not a benefit concert for Puerto Rico was doable. Phil and I both have a history in theatre, and he had done so much for the theatre department here at Millersville – I knew he would be the most experienced and dedicated person for the job. I was right. Phil and I immediately went to work, recruiting people and performers for the show, even contacting extended community members for help. “Love Songs for Puerto Rico” now has the support of, Her Campus Millersville, Marauder Music Productions, FANN (Friends of Advocates of Native Nations), WIXQ, ACMO (All Campus Musical Organization), The Citamard Players, The College Democrats, Global Marauders, and many others.

The event is this Friday, November 17 at 7pm in the Student Memorial Center’s Multi-Purpose Room. All proceeds will benefit the organization El Concilio, a group dedicated to sending help to the more rural areas of Puerto Rico.

The show will feature both Spanish and English music. Performers will include Millersville students Bailey Knipe, Angel Martinez, Erica Fisher, Marie Spencer, Maddie Sapp, Rachel Cubbage, Lisa Shaffer, Hector L Torres Diaz, Matthew DeLozier, Connor Buckley, and Ana Sica. There will also be performances by guest performers Karissa Montaner from Puerto Rico, up and comer Monica Caraballo, and singer Louis Baerga.

Tickets are by donation and can be purchased at bit.ly/LoveSongsForPuertoRico or by calling (717)871-7600. If you want to help, but cannot make the event, you can purchase a ticket as a donation!

Special thanks to Kim Mahaffy and Latino Studies for providing financial support, to Lydia Yeager for donating the ticket office services, and to everyone involved for their support and hard work!


Carlee Nilphai

Millersville '19

Carlee is a Millersville University graduate with a BA in Print Journalism and a double minor in Music and Theatre. Her favorite topics to write about involve career, environmental issues, pop culture, budgeting hacks, and Taylor Swift. Carlee lives in Lancaster, PA and has a corgi named Alan.
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