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Khasiem Sledge ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Name: Khasiem Sledge

Age: 20

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Year: Sophomore

Major: Construction Technology

Campus activities: YBC (Young Brothers In Christ).

Hobbies: Chillin, playing ball, sleeping and eating.

His favorite dining hall on campus & his favorite food there: Upper Deck and omelets.

His favorite thing about Millersville: How there are more females than males.

His your dream celebrity wife: Eva Mendes.

His ideal vacation: Barbados.

A song that describes his life: Hard Knock Life- Jay-Z.

His your favorite holiday: Thanksgiving.

The most played song on his iTunes: Too Deep For The Intro by J Cole.

His favorite music artist: Jay- Z.

His favorite thing to do on a rainy day: Watch Movies and play video games.

His dream job: President Of the United States.

If he had a superpower, it would be: X-ray Vision.

Something he’d like to do before he graduates: Go to South Beach Miami, Florida for spring break.

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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.