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The End of the Semester as Told by FRIENDS

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Well folks, it’s that time of year again. We’re gearing up for finals, desperately trying to raise our GPAs, and slowly ripping our hair out. Have no fear, our FRIENDS cast is with you. In fact, here are some perfect moments from the show to sum up everything you might be feeling as we near finals week!

1. Realizing summer is just a few months away and your bikini body is NOT ready

Did somene say pizza?

2. When the professor announces that the final is cumulative

And this is where the acronym for FINALS comes in (look it up, it’s pretty funny).

3. And when they insist on repeating it every. single. class.

Okay, we get it!

4. When you held off on that huge project until April, but now it’s April…

Whoever said you can’t write a research paper or start and finish a project in one night has obviously never had coffee.

5. When your parents call to check up on you while you’re drowning in work

Where are our margaritas while we say that?

6. When everyone seems to know what’s going except you

Where was I when the professor talked about this? Oh, right, on Pinterest…

7. Watching all the classes you have yet to register for get filled by other students

So far most of my classes are registered as “wait listed.”

8. When you’re just so tired of being in the library until midnight

Contrary to popular belief, we actually hate the library.

9. Looking at the grade you need on the final in order to pass the class

Maybe if I cry hard enough in the professor’s office, they’ll take pity…

10. When you finish your last final and can finally leave for the summer

Margarita-ville here I come!

Have no fear, collegiates. We are almost done the semester and everyone at Her Campus believes in you!

*All images courtesy of Giphy

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Jessica Moore


I'm currently a junior at Millersville Unversity studying biology! I started at HC as a first semester freshman and have been with it ever since. Along with writing passionately for Her Campus, I am also a member of Alpha Sigma Tau.  My passions include reading, writing, animals, and food. In my spare time, I thoroughly enjoy binging netflix, reading a good book, and taking naps.  Instagram: @jessy_poo96 Twitter: @jessy_poo96
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