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Dreaming of Summer Vacation: Top 10 Travel Destinations for College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

With the end of spring semester just around the corner, we are all itching for summer vacation to begin. Whether we are making the trip back home or staying around campus to take advantage of summer classes, we all need to get away and have some fun.
Choosing the right summer vacation spot can be a daunting task. First, where do you want to go? Second, who are you going with? And lastly, how much money can you spend? Here are some ideas that may spark your interest.
1. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Ever catch yourself stopping and picking up one of those postcards with the beautiful image of a Caribbean beach and think, “I wish I was there?” Well Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic will deliver with miles and miles  of white sandy beaches, swaying coconut trees and more then 35 resorts to choose from.
2. Panama City, Florida
Panama city in Florida is known as a fun, affordable spring break destination. So why not go during summer break? Try Seahaven Beach Hotel or Sandpiper Beacon Beach Resort, which are great hotels that offer awesome accommodation rates. Don’t forget to book early for the best deals!
3. Cancun, Mexico
Cancun, Mexico is the quintessential college student vacation destination, with it’s beautiful beaches and the opportunity to party like a rockstar! Cancun is known for some of the best nightclubs in the word. If you take the trip to Cancun don’t forget to stop by some of the famous hot spots, like The City, Coco BongoDady’O and the Bulldog Café; there are laser and light shows, acrobats, special live acts and you will get to listen to some of the best DJs from around the world.
4. Road Trip
Taking a road trip is an opportunity to really bond with friends. Even though spontaneity is the fun of taking a road trip, your best bet is to try and plan out your trip. Figure out what destinations you want to see, the available accommodations and cheapest gas prices in the area. Try and pack snacks and also consider staying at campgrounds to save the most money.
5. Lake Havasu, Arizona
Lake Havasu in Arizona is a great affordable summer vacation. The entire lake is a state park which provides complete campgrounds with plenty of fun activities. Lake Havasu offers  parasailing , jet-skiing, fishing, canoeing, kayaking and much more to keep you entertained during your vacation.
6. Costa Rica
Are you looking for some adventure this summer? Costa Rica is the place to go for your tropical adventure. Whether you are interested in the crystal clear water beaches, hiking or even bungee jumping, the opportunities are endless. If you do your homework you can find affordable deals on this vacation of a lifetime.  

7. Cruise  
Thinking about taking a cruise on summer break? Try Carnival Dream. It provides concerts from popular bands, night clubs, lounges, bars and a fitness center. This cruise line offers great cruise stops in Cancun or Montego Bay which are known to be college student hot spots. 
8. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Surprisingly you can go to Amsterdam on a tight budget. Try traveling with a group and you can get even cheaper rates. Amsterdam offers dozens of cheap and even free tourist attractions in the area that will keep you busy without taking a toll on your wallet. There are also free tours, free afternoon concerts and countless other free activities that are easily accessible. 

9. Europe
Have you always wanted to meet new people and experience new cultures? Then backpacking through Europe is a great way to spend summer vacation, whether your dream is to visit Paris and Florence or if you would rather go off the beaten path and visit Prague or Budapest. Backpacking through Europe will be nothing but an amazing experience. To get the most out of your experience and to stay on budget, stay in hostels and try low cost airlines or trains to travel from one country to another. This will give you the chance to visit multiple countries without breaking the bank. 

10. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
A Niagara Falls vacation can satisfy the cash strapped college student. It’s a great place to go because there are many cheap hotels in the area and many of the popular attractions are within walking distance. The drinking age in Canada is 19, so when night falls you can hit up the Fallsview Casino or the Dragonfly Nightclub, even if you haven’t joined the 21+ club yet.

*Another GREAT option for affordable summer vacations is to check out Contiki! Especially if you’re interested in travel outside of the United States, Contiki offers tons of tours and is a great way to travel alone or in a group for the college set.


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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.