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Confessions of a Harry Potter Addict

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

1.) I secretly give all of my professors Harry Potter names. 

For example, if I truly dislike one of them they immediately become known as Umbridge or Voldemort. So far this semester I already have a Professor nicknamed Lupin, McGonagall, Petunia, Dumbledore, Trewlany, and Bellatrix. To any of my professors reading this, have fun trying to figure out which one is you. ;)

2.) When I turn on my iPhone flashlight I whisper, “Lumos.” 

Also, when feeling super lazy I contemplate on how  much easier life would be if “Accio” or “Point-Me” was real.

3.) I know more about Harry Potter than the American history.

4.) When given a textbook I always write “Property of the Half-Blood Prince” on the inside of the front cover.

5.) I consider the color pink to be evil. (Sorry, HC!) 

Honestly though, pink used to be my favorite color until the arrival of Dolores Umbridge.

6.) I always say (at least) one casual Harry Potter line every day. 

If you’re not an HP addict, you’d never catch on. While home with my family I am able to hold an entire conversation (with my siblings) using only Harry Potter lines — it’s a talent we are quite proud of.

7.) I pretend pinky promises are Unbreakable Vows.

8.) When I was in 7th grade, I yelled “Crucio” at a teacher…

… and she made me write lines about how “it’s illegal to use Unforgiveables.” When I realized she understood Harry Potter, she immediately became my favorite teacher.

9.) Diaries are never to be trusted. Ever. 

I used a diary until I read the second Harry Potter book and then it was thrown in the trash.

10.) When I’m feeling blue Remus Lupin’s words of wisdom pops into my head: “Eat, you’ll feel better.” 

In my opinion (and Lupin’s) chocolate can literally fix anything.

11.) When I was younger I convinced a classmate that I was a far-distant family member of the Weasleys.

She believed me probably only because of my red hair.

12.) I accept the fact that Harry Potter will never leave my heart.

I grew up with Harry and it will forever be a part of who I am.




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Elizabeth Nace


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