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Brittany Lianne Connell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Brittany Lianne Connell

Age: 20

Hometown: Sandwich, Ma

Year: Junior

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Major: Speech Communications option in Broadcasting

Minor: International Relations

Campus Activities: Alpha Sigma Alpha

Other Hobbies: Painting, Netflixing, and collecting cats

Twitter/Instagram: @missbrittlianne/@astonecoldfox

Do you have a job? No, but looking!

Celebrity Crush? Zac Efron

Favorite TV Show? “iZombie”, “Bones”, and “Bob’s Burgers”

Favorite Color? Magenta and Periwinkle

Favorite Food? Burritos from Robburitto’s

Favorite TV Season? Autumn

Favorite animal? Cats

Favorite thing about MU? The professors

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Japan, so I could be kawaii

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Having my own fashion line and producing my own talk show

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Amirah Mikell


Amirah Mikell is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Speech Communications with a specialization in Public Relations at the University of Millersville Pennsylvania. She is a senior enrolled in media law, entrepreneurship and public relation courses. Mikell has interned with the Lancaster Mediation Center which is a non-profit organization where she practiced public relations writing skills, coordinating events, and writing organizational intakes. She currently holds a managerial position at a women's boutique in Lancaster where she performs daily task such as keeping track of sales, implementing visual enhancements, and promoting positivity throughout the company.She is serving as Vice President for Her Campus which focuses on creative writing for collegiettes.. Mikell is expected to graduate in the Spring of 2016, where she will go on in furthering her career as a public relations professional.