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5 Games That Will Help You Understand Guys

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

It’s a fact of life: most boys play video games and sadly not many girls do. Some girls would like to get into games enough to understand what their boyfriends or love interests are talking about. Here are five games I recommend playing that will allow you to get your feet wet in this vast industry. But as a side consequence, you will also impress many with your new gaming resume.

1. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This can be a long game if you make it so, which is great if you really get into it. If it isn’t your cup of tea, fret not for quitting. One does not simply beat Skyrim. No gamer is ever truly finished with this game.

Details: Story wise the games are set hundreds of years apart from each other allowing you to jump in without really missing anything. It is a first-person game, meaning you don’t see your character during gameplay, and it is open-world, meaning you explore the game endlessly and do quests and level up to your heart’s content. The game allows you to be anything and everything you want to be in a fantasy world. So go, hunt dragons, join guilds, become an assassin. It’s yours to choose.

2. Minecraft

How could a game made entirely of blocks and no story be fun? Wait and see. Minecraft is one of the most famous games and perfect for all ages. It is a crafting game. The world is your sandbox and you the architect. If you want to build a castle or a city, there is no limit. Build your tools and progress to better and better materials until you can create your own Utopia.

Details: This game is first-person and focuses on the crafting of items to build your house and furnishings. There are also other people and creatures that can be found within the world. You can play with friends and build communities together. You create your own story. And there are some interesting easter eggs too if you dig deep enough, such as the notorious Endermen.

3. Mass Effect 2

Ever wanted to fly through the galaxy and visit other foreign planets and befriend alien races? Then this sci-fi franchise is for you! This story-heavy game will enthrall many gamers and leave you wanting to know more about the world that you’re playing in.

Details: This game will start off with a character customization screen that, (if you’re like me) will probably spend 30 minutes on making your character perfect. The game is also third-person so you actually see the character you spent so long building. There are quests that are specific to each of your companion’s stories that really allow you to get to know them. The game is unique to others on this list because it has multiple endings based on the choices you make in the game. So no matter what, you’re play experience will be different from your crush’s, which will instantly create hours of conversation just by comparing decisions.

4. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

Everyone thinks that parkour, or freerunning, is cool and this game is all about running and jumping across buildings, climbing to the tallest peaks and jumping off into hay bales. You are an assassin of an ancient brotherhood whose main goal is to thwart the Templars in the need to rule every facet of society. There are several games in this series so I recommend if you are into continuity, then play from the beginning. I chose this game because it is the best one of the series in its story, its quests and its combat mechanics. Everything about it is smooth and streamlined and holds a special place in gamers’ hearts.

Details: Another third-person game, you play as Ezio Auditore de Firenze and you are following up leads of Templar plots, this time in Rome. You can use everything from the hidden assassin’s blade, to swords and throwing knives and even an early handgun and smoke bombs. Make friends with important historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci and Machiavelli.

5. Bioshock Infinite

A steampunk utopia in the sky is the setting of this masterful work. Mind-blowing story and beautiful graphics, everything about this game will make you fall in love. Particularly, Elizabeth. If for no other reason play for her. She is the greatest escort companion of all time, one that feeds you ammo, health and money and is all around a great sympathetic human being. Her mannerisms and expressions make her the most human element of the game. She made me laugh and cry over her. I truly felt like she was my friend in the game…and soon she will be yours.

Details: This game is a first-person shooter. WAIT! Before you leave at the mention of this game being a shooter, it is not like some of the others you’ve heard babbled on about such as Halo and Call of Duty. This is not just a game centered around guns and shooting to shoot. It is about Elizabeth and what she means to the floating city of Columbia. Get the girl, wipe away the debt.


So get out there and game! Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t be a gamer because you’re a girl. If they do, refer them to me and I’ll kick their butt in Left 4 Dead. 

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Autumn Rapp


My name is Autumn Rapp and I am 21. I am a senior at Millersville University studying English. I want to write fiction novels later in life. My favorite colors are black and turquoise. My favorite musician is Emilie Autumn. I am also a happy goth (yes there is such a thing.) I have been with my boyfriend for eight years and we will be married in 2017.
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