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15 Signs You’re Obsessed with Buzzfeed Videos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Lets face it, I think we have all found ourselves scrolling through Buzzfeed videos our friends of shared on Facebook. Before you know it, two hours have gone by as you continue to watch more and more videos. You slowly become drawn to these videos, sharing them on your own Facebook timeline, referencing them in your daily life, and secretly wishing you could be part of the Buzzfeed team. Here are a few ways to tell if you are obsessed with Buzzfeed videos…

1. You can’t start out your day without watching at least one Buzzfeed video.

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2. You talk about your favorite Buzzfeed characters as if you know them in real life.

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3. You know all the Try Guys by name and their life stories.

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4. When you are no longer bothered by how often Ned references his wife. 

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5. You talk about the girls from ladylike like they’re part of your squad.

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6. When someone starts talking about a Buzzfeed video they watched, you know exactly what happened in it because obviously you already watched it.

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7. When you show someone your favorite Buzzfeed video and they don’t think it’s funny you take it personally.

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8. Every time a new video is posted it feels like Christmas morning.

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9. You follow at least five Buzzfeed staff on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook and religiously like everything they post.

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10. You continuously watch videos for life advice instead of asking your friends.

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11. You identify with at least one Buzzfeed staff member and secretly wish you were them.

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12. The things that Eugene, Ned, Zach, and Keith “try” are no longer weird to you.

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13. When you find someone who likes Buzzfeed videos just as much as you they are automatically your new BFF.

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14. When you realize you haven’t watched any Buzzfeed videos for the past few days you sit there for hours binge watching all of them until you are caught up.

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15. You dream of working for Buzzfeed some day even though your current career aspirations are totally unrelated to blogging and vlogging.

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I am a senior at Millersville University studying in Elementary and Special Education, with a minor in International Studies. I am new to Her Campus and am excited to begin this journey! I am a coffee addict, Crohnie, professonial shopper, emergent tea lover, dog lover and Pinterest enthusiast. I like to spend my free time with my friends, traveling to new places, and drinking lots of good coffee. 
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