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Things I Wish I Knew As A Freshman In College (As Told By Gilmore Girls)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.
  1. Going to the Rec Center is going to be really, really hard

Yes, I knew going into college that trying to stay in shape was going to be difficult. However, when you live on Western Campus and it’s a twenty minute walk in freezing weather, sometimes you’re just not going to make it. And that’s okay.

2. Do what makes you happy

I have been struggling a lot with what I want to major in – but so far I’ve learned that this could determine a lot about my future, and I want to do what I enjoy. Sometimes when I tell people I’m majoring in journalism, I get looks of disapproval or questions of what I’m going to actually do with that major, but you just have to shake it off. Do what you love and don’t let anyone else take that from you!

3. Don’t sign up for classes before 10 am

I currently have three 8:30 classes. I told myself to sign up for them during registration so I could have lots of free afternoons. At this point I’m tired, struggling, and barely able to get out of bed at the early hour of 7 am. Save yourself the pain and just don’t do it.  

4. It’s okay to stay in!

I felt super pressured the first couple weeks of finals to make sure I was always doing something with my friends in order to meet more people. I got really behind in academics because I put so much pressure on the social aspect of college. Education is why you’re here! Don’t forget to study!

5. You can skip!

Set yourself up for success- don’t skip unless you really have to! Your professors will learn that you’re dedicated and driven, and then if you need to miss in the future they’re more likely to understand. There are also those classes where the professor just doesn’t take attendance.. and all the notes are online. In these cases you can feel a lot bet ter about skipping- whenever you want.

6. Make friends

I was super nervous to make friends at first, and still kind of am. It’s hard going away from your best friends at home and being thrown into this new world of people. Don’t be shy. Put yourself out there and while it may be hard at first, you’ll make some of your best friends.

Caitlin Barry Senior Campus Correspondent for Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus