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5 Habits That Will Boost Your GPA This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Are you wanting to improve your grades and increase your overall GPA this semester? If so, then start by doing these incorporating these studious habits in your daily routine.

1.         Read class notes before bed

The first way you can increase your grades is by reading over your class notes every night before you fall asleep. Studies suggest that the brain processes the most recent memories of the day while you are sleeping and stores them in your long term – meaning, you have a better change of remembering your notes if you review them before bed. Senior, Karina M. commented, “I started reading my notes before bed my senior year and could not believe the difference it made! I remembered way more class material and when it came time to study for exams, I already knew most of the material being covered so studying was an absolute breeze!”

2. Study in advance

Start studying for your exams at least a week in advance. Whether it’s the hardest test of the year, finals, or whatever, preparation is key. Being prepared and studying early will help eliminate stress – as if tests weren’t stressful enough – and help you avoid late night cramming. Additionally, you will better understand and retain the material, rather than memorize and completely forget about it once the exam is over.

3.  Be productive when studying

When studying, make sure you are actually studying. Put your phone away – use the out of sight, out of mind mentality – and pay attention to what you are reading.

Remember, everyone’s brain works differently, so make sure you are using studying techniques that help YOU, even if that’s not necessarily how everyone else is studying.

4. Wake up early and make a plan

I know this one is difficult for those of you who are not morning people, but try to wake up 10 minutes earlier to go through your plan for the day. Make a list of things you need to do, look over notes before class, check your emails – do whatever you need to do to prepare for the day. Having a plan will make you feel more prepared for the day ahead and lead to more effective classes, studying and improved test grades.

5. Talk to yourself

I know, that sounds so weird, but hear me out. Studies show that reciting your notes out loud helps you retain information. So maybe don’t talk to yourself, but recite your notes out loud to help you study! If you can talk about it, you understand it.

Hopefully you can incorporate some of these grade-boosting tips into your daily routine and see results this semester! You’ve got this, girl!

Caitlin Barry Senior Campus Correspondent for Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus