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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Name: Timothy O’Leary

Year: 2015

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Wenham MA

Relationship Status: Single 

Interests/Activities: Politics, sports, the outdoors and adventure.

What do you look for in a girl? Honesty, confidence, sense of humor, and intelligence

Best date you’ve been on? The best is yet to come! ;)

Biggest turn ons? Eyes, hair, and personality

Biggest turn offs? Being fake and self centered, having bad hygiene

Best pick up line…does it work? Hi, how are you? Works like a charm, most of the time…

First thing you notice in a girl? Hair

If you could trade places with someone, who would it be? Liam Neeson

3 things you would bring with you to a deserted island? Fishing pole, iPad and EMS Outlet Store

Biggest fear? Being unhappy

Where is the best place to meet girls on campus? Anywhere but campus PD.

Embarrassing confession? I love the Bravo Real Housewives series

Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes

Most romantic thing you’ve done for a girl? Bought her flowers.

Favorite song to dance to at a party? TIMBER!

Celebrity crush? Jennifer Lawrence

How do you like to spend your weekends here? On duty… kidding. With my friends

Hottest outfit a girl can wear? An Oxford shirt, dark jeans, tall riding boots. So basically like a Ralph Lauren model

Best way to win you over? Take pride in who you are, be happy, be comfortable, love life and DO YOU

If you were a type of alcohol, what would you be and why? Fireball because it’s spicy (not sassy) like me, and I’m perfect in moderation

Fun fact? I went to China over winter break

Best compliment you’ve received? “My day always gets better when I see you”

Life motto? Do what makes you happy, be honest, and surround yourself with people that love you

How do you feel about being this week’s campus cutie? Honored, shocked, and like I have to put thought into what I am wearing tomorrow. If you hear an inflating sound, don’t be alarmed, it’s just my ego.