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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Briana Reid is one of the most down to earth girls at Merrimack College. She already knows what she wants to do after graduation, and she is only a sophomore. Ontop of that, she has the bravery of conquering two majors and two minors.  

Originally from Medford, New Jersey, Briana chose to come to Merrimack because of the certain feeling she got when she entered the campus. From the moment Briana saw Merrimack for the first time covered in snow, she knew it was where she wanted to spend her four years as an undergraduate. “I immediately felt at home,” she expressed. Brianna also liked the small campus size, having gone to small schools most of her life.  

Now in her sophomore year, Briana is pursuing a double major in Psychology and Criminology. In addition, she also has two minors in Political Philosophy and Law, Ethics  and Society. With this combination complementing her interests, Briana hopes to become an FBI Agent working with Unit 2, adult crimes. Through her education at Merrimack, she hopes her majors in Psychology and Criminology will enable her to be an efficient member of the FBI.  

On campus, Briana is the President of the Philosophy Club and involved with the Pre-Law Society Club.  In the Fall semester of 2012, she held a film discussion night. Using The Dark Knight, the Philosophy Club had a discussion about the film’s philosophical ramifications, vigilantism and moral dilemmas. She hopes to have another film and discussion night this semester for students to attend.

Briana can also add orientation leader for incoming freshman to her resume. She enjoyed this experience as it was a great way to introduce new students to Merrimack. Briana offers the following advice to new students, “Don’t be afraid to be social and talk to people. We all start off as strangers.” Overall, Briana Reid is making the most of her time at Merrimack and is on her way to a bright future with many opportunities.