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Get rid of cellulite

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Q: Shorts season is coming up and I want my legs to look toned. Do cellulite lotions really work?


A: Cellulite is the rippling effect caused by pockets of fat under skin. Unfortunately, cellulite creams and lotions are not going to truly relive your cellulite problems because the ingredients in lotions are not able to penetrate deep enough into skin to break-up cellulite pockets. That’s the bad news. The good news is there are products that can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Ingredients like caffeine and L-Carnitine help to temporally tighten skin. Try products like Fat Girl Slim by Bliss and Nivea Body Good-Bye Cellulite, in combination with exercise and a healthy diet, to reduce the look of cellulite.    

Kathleen has red hair, blue eyes and a ridiculous amount of freckles. Her favorite actor is Jason Schwartzman and her true love is television. She also enjoys comic books, 'Doctor Who' and cupcakes. Currently, Kathleen is a senior at Mercer University and is earning her double major in Journalism and English. She hopes to move to New York and become a real life Liz Lemon. At Mercer, Kathleen is the News Editor of the campus paper, 'The Cluster.' Also, Kathleen is part of the equestrian team, Society for Collegiate Journalists and several honor societies. Kathleen also is the head of the Mercer University HerCampus team and would love for fellow Mercer students to contact her about writing for the site by E-mailing her at KathleenQuinlan@HerCampus.com