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Easy, Bree-zy, Beautiful: Bree Thomas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Bree Thomas

Major/Minor: Accounting


Year: Junior

Favorite musician/ artist: Wiz Khalifa

Favorite animal: Cricket

Clothing Style: Jeans and a Mercer T-shirt

Beauty Product: Noxzema Pads

Place to travel: Africa!!

Best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone: Taking my roommate’s bed out of the room

Hobbies: Reading, Watching musicals

Unique/Interesting Fact: Putting Band-Aids/Likes to mix OJ and Cheese

Future goals: Graduate in 2014, Go to grad school outside of GA…

Relationship status: Single 





Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social