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5 Ways to Cope With Recovering From an Eating Disorder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MCLA chapter.

The longest relationship I’ve ever kept is the one with my eating disorder. Similar to an abusive relationship, I’ll break up with it, but after some time has passed I always find myself crawling back. Deciding to recover is hard in itself, but the actual process is one I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  Over the years I’ve found multiple coping methods that have seriously helped me when I’ve wanted to give up. These are my top 5…

1.) A Support System

If you have an ED, you know how difficult it is to admit to your loved ones that you are struggling. It took me a long time to even say the words out loud, and I still don’t feel comfortable doing it to this day. However, even just opening up to a few trusted friends takes tons of weight off of your shoulders. The silent struggle is especially hard if your balancing it on top of school, work, and a social life. You’ll be at ease once you’re able to vent out some of your worries and one step closer to recovery. I promise it’s not as scary as you think it will be.

2.)  Find comfort in a form of art

Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of 70’s Rock music, allowing the lyrics be a form a therapy. When I’m feeling overwhelmed by something I try to sit down, unplug from the world and jam out to my music instead of taking it out on my body.


3.) It’s okay to laugh about it

Laughter truly is the best medicine, and a great way to make the people around you feel more comfortable in awkward situations. I’m not saying to perform a stand up set about your ED, but a few jokes here and there will lighten everyone’s mood. Recently I’ve been telling people that im going through my “Britney 2007”.


4.) Get off the internet


When I was in my freshman year of high school I was obsessed with Tumblr, It was the perfect way to feed my disorder. This resulted in nothing but more negative thoughts, burying myself even deeper. This includes scrolling through your news feed and comparing yourself to your friends, celebrities, and Instagram models.


5.)  Focus on yourself

This is certainly not the time to be focusing on dating, or using your energy trying to please others. Remember it’s okay to say no to that favor a friend asked of you and staying in for the night. You are the main priority in this moment.’

To anyone out there struggling, I hope you find the courage and strength in yourself to take the steps to recovery. If you or anyone you know is suffering with an eating disorder visit this link to the National Eating Disorder Awareness website for more information on how to get help.



A sarcastic redhead who is usually late.