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Spring Self-Reflection

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Students at McGill barely have any holidays, which is why we treasure our Reading Week. It’s a break from reality for most, but some of us will still have way too much work to do. This time off is so crucial for students, as the intense winter can really affect us in negative ways. We need time to just take a breath and organize our thoughts. So, whether you are laying on a beach in Mexico or binge watching Netflix in your room, here are some ways to come out of the break stronger, with a fresh outlook for the rest of the semester.

  • A week of saying No (or Yes):  Most of us are guilty of always saying yes to people, spreading ourselves too thin. This week, make a constant effort to do the things that you enjoy, not just to please others. Stay in bed all day if that makes you happy. On the other end of the spectrum, we are also guilty of not saying yes enough. Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone and experience new things that we wouldn’t have otherwise. At the end of the break, just feel that everything you did was an act of self-love that you needed. Be selfish with your time. 


  • Journaling: Those of us who aren’t the best at verbalizing our feelings should look into journaling. It will be a therapeutic escape. Putting your thoughts onto paper will not only help you see what is troubling you, but will also allow you to notice the positives in everyday life as well. Sometimes we need to get our emotions out in order to deal with them. If venting to people isn’t your thing, this might just be. Journaling doesn’t have to be just writing; it can include drawings, poems, or any other creative ways you want to express yourself. 

  • Do something new every day: Our monotonous everyday routine can make us feel like we aren’t doing anything worthwhile. Make a promise to yourself to try something new every day, and this doesn’t have to be something risky or that requires you to leave your room. Read a book that is completely opposite to what you like, maybe it will surprise you, or try a new recipe. Anything that will bring excitement to your day! 


  • Call/text the people that matter to you: Make an effort to consciously check up on your loved ones. Call your parents, or Skype your best friend. We take our relationships for granted sometimes, but they need constant love and attention. Make your friends and family feel special by just a call or a text. University makes us insanely busy and we can’t always ask how our loved ones are doing. Use this week to listen them. 

  • Declutter: Spring cleaning is no joke. Use this week to declutter yourself from anything that no longer serves you or makes you happy. You are never going to wear that dress in the back of your closet, so face reality and part ways with it. This just makes room for cuter clothes as well. Declutter your life in a wider sense. Realize what you need and what is no longer worth your time.  

Just a few more days till you won’t have to set any alarms for a week!  

Image obtained from: 
