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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Hey ladies! Read all about this week’s Campus Cutie, Ryan Pecore! 



Age: 19

Year: U1

Major: Physiology

Hometown: Cornwall, ON

Hobbies: Shopping and ironic tweeting

Single or Taken? Single

Dream job? Cardiothoracic surgeon

Favs & Least Favs

Pet peeve: Loud chewing

Favorite song: “Love on Top” by Beyoncé

Worst habit: Not getting out of bed in time for my 8:30 classes

Favorite thing about McGill: Hot boys on campus

Favorite class: Physiology

Favorite building on campus: the Law Library

This or That?

iPhone or Android? iPhone

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Bar or club? Club

Summer or winter? Summer

Milton-Parc or the Plateau? The Plateau – it’s a cultural hub with a huge variety of things to do.

Movies or TV? Movies! Netflix makes binge-watching TV shows way too easy – I would never stop!

French or English? English


Photos taken by Meghan Collie.

Aspiring writer