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I’m a Feminist, but I DO NOT Support Extreme Feminism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

In today’s society, feminism has become an unstoppable movement of women who hope to make complete equality a reality of the near future.  However, this idea of extreme feminism is sweeping the nation and is hurting a woman’s chance for equality more than she might think. Extreme feminism is a self-coined term that describes women who are so avid about the feminist cause that they take it too far.  It means that women are shoving feminism down other people’s throats without any regard and ultimately becoming a misandrist (hater of men).

Now there can be more than two sides to every argument, so do not misunderstand my standpoint.  Feminism is one the most important movements in today’s culture that works to defend all right’s of women that should have been equal in the first place.  I am a feminist.  I believe that gender roles should be destroyed and that a woman can be anything she wants without anyone holding her back.  However, I do disagree with one aspect of the feminist movement: the extremist level.

Extreme feminism also turned many women against the opposite sex, believing that all men are the cause of evil. One blog even went so far as to say any form of sex is rape!  (Read the link when you’re done reading this article!) Again, we need to think rationally.  We cannot isolate the opposite sex in order to win this battle.  Think about it.  Would blaming men change their minds into supporting feminism? Probably not. 

With social media prevalent in our everyday life, feminist ideals are everywhere you look. For almost every post I see about feminism I see a fight posted within the comments. Someone doesn’t agree with whatever feminist item is posted and the girl who posted becomes enraged and starts virtually screaming at her critic.  And you know what?  Good for you for being so passionate about a cause that is so essential to today’s community.  But how will you ever convince someone to join your cause if you cannot calmly show them why your movement is so important?

Here’s an analogy to better describe what I mean.  If someone you knew was extremely politically opinionated, and every time you brought up your opinion they would start a huge argument because they were so blind sighted by their own opinion.  You would never want to talk to them about politics now would you? You would never be willing to listen to what they were actually saying because of how emotional they became while talking about it and it would potentially ruin your friendship with this person.

Feminism is a movement and ideology that all women need to adopt.  As women, we need to support the dreams and goals of others in order to be successful as a whole. However, extreme feminism is a movement we need to drop.  As crazy as it seems, not all men and women believe in feminism, but screaming at them or becoming angry will not change their minds.  Would it change yours?

As I said earlier, there are more than two sides to every argument because in my mind I do not see feminism as you either are or you are not.  Believe me, I have a passion to be a journalist and I will not allow gender roles to stand in my way.  I am a feminist, but I am not an extreme feminist and you should not be either.

Jaclyn is so excited to be a campus correspondent with Her Campus! She is a sophomore at the University of Maryland, double majoring in Journalism and American Studies. Jaclyn hopes to work as an editor at a magazine in the future. She loves following fashion, attending concerts, traveling, and photographing the world around her.