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5 Things you HAVE to try this Summer!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

How to kick off your summer right:

Read, read, read!

Difficulty: Easy

Requirements: A good book and a quiet space

Reading is an invaluable skill that you will need for the rest of your life. Whether you’re into non-fiction, sci-fi, romance, or any other genre, reading while getting some sun and fresh air is always fun to do during the summer. Even though we used to dread summer assigned readings, picking up a book you’d fall in love with is a great way to spend your summer.


Difficulty: Easy

Requirements: A kayak, a place to kayak, friends to kayak with, comfortable clothes

If you’ve never been kayaking, this summer is the summer to try. All you have to do is put the paddles in the water and push. It’s a great way to get an arm workout and have fun with friends on the water. Ask the kayak rental place where they think the best place to kayak is!

Learn to swim!

Difficulty: Medium

Requirements: Goggles, a swimsuit, someone who knows how to swim, a place to swim (Optional: Membership to local pool)

Always been afraid of the water? Well, learning to swim could save your life one day. You can learn a bunch of different strokes—from the butterfly, to the backstroke, to the breaststroke and the doggie paddle. Simply learning to swim can be a fun and lifelong activity that can keep you cool and healthy during those sweltering summer months.

Learn self-defense

Difficulty: Medium

Requirements: A self-defense class

Walking alone on a college campus can be intimidating sometimes. While being alert and conscious of your surroundings is certainly helpful to prevent yourself from encountering bad situations, a self-defense class will give you an extra advantage against a potential attacker. Self-defense classes give you ideas on how to size up situations and figure out how to get out of a bad situation. They can teach you good moves to get out of an attacker’s grasp which can potentially save your life.

Learn a language

Difficulty: Hard

Requirements: Materials in your language of choice, patience, a lot of time

Learning another language can make you an excellent asset in the workplace and can also enrich your life; however, taking on an entirely new language is no easy feat. Don’t be discouraged, because you can do it with enough time, practice, and dedication to the language. First, you’ll need to choose your target language. Then, you can select an online program or get a tutor to help you learn your new language. Next, you would immerse yourself in the language until you are fluent and feel comfortable. Learning a language might not come quickly, but by practicing day by day and taking on a little at a time, you definitely have the ability to learn a new language. Maybe your newfound skill will lead you to some amazing travels!

What’s your summer must do? Comment below!