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No Time For Breakfast? Her Campus Lehigh’s Guide to Eating Breakfast at College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

No time for Breakfast?

A lot of mornings I find it hard to urge myself to get out of bed early enough to get up, head to Rathbone or the UC, and grab a bite to eat before class. That extra walk, the possibility of a line, and having to be awake and dressed earlier just does not seem ideal. I have discovered, however, that there are some quick and healthy ways to eat breakfast right here in my dorm!

Cereal– Grab some milk from the dining hall, keep it in your fridge and pour a bowl of cereal that you can enjoy at your desk! I personally am a fan of Multigrain Cheerios, and my roommate has Chex almost every morning. It’s fast, easy, and simple to clean up. You really can’t go wrong with a bowl of cereal.

Microwave Oatmeal-When I was home a few weekends ago I found oatmeal mix that you just have to add water to and pop in the microwave. It really couldn’t get any easier…the packet even doubles as a measuring cup for the water. Just make sure you have a microwave safe bowl, you don’t want to be the person who sets off the smoke detectors at 8 in the morning!

Yogurt-I always keep a few containers of yogurt in my fridge. If I’m in a rush and need something to eat before class, it’s always a simple solution. With some granola and a banana that I took from Rathbone the night before, yogurt is one of my go-to breakfasts at least a few times a week.

Carnation Instant Breakfast Shakes– If you have no idea what these are, you are missing out big time! Carnation Instant Breakfasts are just breakfast drinks that are a staple in my fridge. They’re healthy, have a lot of protein, and are ridiculously convenient for a morning that I just want to roll out of bed and go, or am running late. They’re pretty filling for how small they are and usually get me through the morning until lunchtime!

So, next time you wake up dreading the walk to Rathbone or UC like I do, or simply don’t want to leave the room, try preparing one of these easy, healthy, and delicious breakfasts. A couple more minutes of sleep for what probably is just as good a meal seems pretty reasonable to me!