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Club of the Week: Lehigh’s Black Student Union

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

1. What was the inspiration behind your club?

Being at a predominately white institution, we use Black Student Union as a place to come together and be stay connected throughout our 4 years. The organization is more than just a club, it is a family; where we are all interconnected and here to make sure that we are all secure and graduate within 4 years. At times it is often tough to be the only minority in a classroom, so this time together enables us to remember that none of us are alone. However let me say that this is not an exclusive group at all, we invite anyone looking for a family and comfort to join this organization.

2. What is your club’s role both on and off campus?

On campus we serve as a safe haven for all students to come, relax and be themselves, while also informing them of thing going on on camps as well as globally. We always highlight opportunities for students so that they never have to worry about missing events, or deadlines.

3. Why should students join your club? And how?

We are just a family that allow people to be themselves and have fun. Joining is just as simple as showing up to a meeting, signing up at one of the two club fairs in the fall or spring, or just communicating with a member of the executive board to add you to the email list.

4. What is the best part of being in your club?

Being able to always know what is going on on campus because we do all the research for you. There are tons of events that go on on campus every day and sometimes it’s hard to keep up, but we are in constant communication with offices and other organizations to always be in the loop.

5. Where can students find out more about your club? 




The Hub

6. Are there any events that your club will be hosting this semester?

In addition to keeping our members up to date about other events, we also put on a lot of events over the course of the school year. This year that includes Rock for Donegan (a carnival we throw for a nearby elementary school), the Natural Hair, Natural beauty Convention, Love jones Valentine’s day event, and our annual Bridging the Gap Conference that involves LVAIC schools in the area to attend.