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What Is Le Moyne Makes Movies?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.


I know many of you have an idea about what Le Moyne Makes Movies is a student run film project right? Yes, but there is much more than that!  I found that out as I have been working with them these past few months.  I sat down with “Business Affairs” producer Eric Carden and he gave me the scoop on everything Le Moyne Makes Movies to share with you all.

  For starters, Le Moyne Makes Movies is a two-year program that incorporates all the elements of production work with multiple departments from Arts Administration to Computer Sciene. Many communication professors came together to build the project including Dr. Grossman, Dr. Novak, Dr. Roche, Professors Leslie and Michael Streissguth, but the main head of the project goes to Professor Robert Thurber. Professor Thurber has been along for the entire ride of this project and has been guiding the students with advice and overseeing the project.

    The “Business Affairs” movie started it’s first phase of development in the Fall semester of last year where the script writing class created multiple scripts, but in the end only one was chosen to be made into a film. The second semester of last year focused on script development and building the cast and crewmembers. The cast of “Business Affairs” consists of Tom Vasquez-Marcus, Kelly Stier-Kim, Rachael Momot-Jen, Vinny Randazzo-Carson, and Drew Gripe-Don.

     At the beginning of this semester, the director, producer, director of photography, and writer were chosen. Delaney Lawrence a senior Communications major, got the director’s title and she has been doing a great job! She is more than qualified in so many areas as she has taken many classes from acting to Video Production to prepare her for this responsibility. They then built their crew up and worked with Ann Allen and her PR and Social Media crew to help promote.

    I only got to witness a day of shooting and let me tell you the entire cast and crew are such a hard workers, shooting a movie is not easy and the hours are long! The majority of production was filmed every weekend in September and the first weekend in October. Both Saturday and Sunday were 10-hour production days with a total of 20 hours per weekend. Friday afternoons also included some shooting and a few shoots were done during the week.

   These students are amazing for all the work they have put in and all the work they still continue to do. Here is the crew that made it all happen!

Delaney Lawrence       Director

                   Aaron Fuller                 Dir. of Photography

 Eric Carden                  Producer

          Meghan Cacchione      Asst. Producer

               Inez Timberger            Script Supervisor

               Jeremiah Deep             Asst. Cameraman

            Victoria Miguel           Sound Recordist

                      Elijah Rudisell             Asst. Sound Recordist

          Theodore Grader          Lighting Asst.

          Timothy Grader           Lighting Asst.

         Cameron Hill               Asst. Editor

           Kadisha Kentish           Photographer

               Christopher LeFever     Production Asst.



Check out the “Busiess Affairs” teaser trailer at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_YEG6MWC84        

We hope you are all excited to watch “Business Affairs” premiering February 24 2015!