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Inez’s Declassified Her Campus Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Inez’s Declassified Her Campus Survival Guide

This is the ultimate guide to your Saturday.


Use it wisely.



I wash my face with products from Spruce Health.

Spruce is an app on my phone. I took pictures of my skin and a dermatologist prescribed a personalized treatment plan for my skin!



While I’m eating breakfast I like to have Zing in my coffee.



Zing is a no calorie sweetener made with real ingredients! It’s delicious and one packet of Zing is as sweet as TWO packets of sugar. I love sugary coffee and tea.



I drive to Chipotle  

I get a bowl and some tacos thanks to my buy one get one card!



Do a shot… of 5-hour Energy and head to gym (to work off that Chipotle) for my yearly gym visit.



Time to get ready to go out!

I LOVE Tresseme’s Perfectly (un)Done line. Their sea foam and sea salt spray gives my hair perfect beachy waves without being near the ocean. N.Y.C.’s 24 hour eyeshadow sticks. These really last the whole 24 hours, come in a million different colors and great for shading!

I hope you enjoyed this edition of Inez’s Declassified Her Campus Survival Guide.

(All gifs courtesy of Google.com and Giphy.com)

Inez Timberger is currently one of two Campus Correspondents for HC Le Moyne! She is studying Communications with a strong focus in film and TV. Inez's life consists of everything pop culture and Netflix. She is also a part of LCTV, a student run TV news program, and Le Moyne Makes Movies. Inez enjoys fashion, makeup and healthy stuff.