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The Fight of the Flirty Girl – PDA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Public displays of affection are a lot like car accidents: no matter how gruesome it may be, you just can’t look away. As a fellow flirty girl, I understand the importance of PDA, especially when trying to reel in a good catch. That being said, there’s definitely a time, a place, and an intensity level for PDA.
Displaying your affection is essential while flirting. The occasional brushing of hands or the playful punch are great ways to keep things going with a new guy. Flirting and touching go hand in hand, so by all means, publicly display your attempt at new affection. A full on make out session on a park bench is another story entirely.
For couples already in relationships, PDA can only go so far. Holding hands while walking along the beach or having an arm around each other during a movie is both acceptable and cute. Leaning on your man while in line for ice cream or resting your head on his shoulder during a long bus ride tells people, “Yeah, we’re together” without shoving it in their faces. These are the kinds of things that make people go “aww” and wish they were in your shoes.
Then there are those couples who have to ruin PDA for everyone else. Yes, I’m referring to the ones who must have no intimate lives because they decide to share it with the entire world. Playing “tonsil hockey” with your man while waiting in line to buy groceries is just a desperate cry for attention. Now you’re just trying too hard to make everyone jealous of the fact that you’re getting some action. Ladies, if your relationship life is that pathetic that you feel the need to have an audience during your supposedly intimate moments, you may want to re-evaluate your situation. These types of acts will get you more “ewws” and “yucks” than anything else. People won’t want to be you, they’ll want to scratch their eyes out.
This is in no way a recommendation to not display your affection. Please do. Partners deserve to be reminded that they are loved. Kisses goodbye, bear hugs, and interlocking fingers are great ways to feel connected to someone. You don’t need to display to the world any more than that. The rest is meant to be shared in private, without a gawking audience. You’re just inviting them to be a part of your relationship. Things are more special between two people who genuinely care about each other. Sure, you shouldn’t be afraid to show it, but show it to one another, not to a world of rubberneckers. 

Ivanna Abreu is a junior Communications major at Le Moyne College with a concentration in Advertising and minors in English and Creative Writing. She was born in the Dominican Republic, but was raised in the Bronx, NY. One of her greatest passions in life is the art of communication and how people relate and communicate with each other. Living in New York City only fostered this passion because her whole life she has been surrounded by different cultures and people. Ivanna enjoys writing and reading, specifically about human interest stories. She prides herself in having a great work ethic and unlike some she enjoys constantly being on the move and being busy. In her hands you will always find either her iPhone or coffee (or on a good day both). She also loves all things comedy and is always trying to make someone laugh.