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Snowed in on a College Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Ah, welcome to snow days here at Lasell College.  Classes are canceled, extracurricular activities are canceled, and the shuttle isn’t running.  So what is there to do?

1.   Have A Spa Day

Picture a quiet and relaxed day inside with no worries and responsibilities. There’s no better way to spend it than pampering yourself.  College can get stressful, so these types of days are a must.  Some ideas include giving yourself the ultimate mani/pedi or visiting the dining hall to grab some supplies for the best DIY face masks.


2.   Watch Netflix

Binge-watching Netflix becomes SO much easier with no classes.  Some recommendations: Gossip Girl, Friends, and Stranger Things.


3.   Play in The Snow

Even though we’re mature, grownup college students know there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun! Bring out your inner child and have a snowball fight or build a snowman with friends.


4.   Do Homework

A day with all classes canceled is a blessing because most classes here only meet two times per week.  Take this free day to get all of your work done and possibly even get ahead.


5.   Go Shopping (Online)

Shopping is always a weakness.  Your bank account may hate you, but a boring free day could be put to use by looking on sites for all new snowy weather essentials.


6.   Read A Book

All the other ideas are okay, but nothing beats spending a snow day cuddled in bed, drinking copious amounts of tea, and curling up with a good book.  Bonus points if your bed is positioned so you can watch the snow fall outside.


No matter how your snow day is spent just remember to stay warm and safe and remember: the spring months are just around the corner!


All gifs from giphy.com


Madison Paloski is a senior at Lasell University studying fashion communication and promotion and graphic design.  She is currently the Editor in Chief of her school's chapter of Her Campus, an editorial stylist for POLISHED Magazine and Founder and Creative Director of the Fashion Styling and Photography Club on her campus.  She can most likely be found with an old film camera in hand, eating Chipotle, or at any local Saver's.  Her Instagram can be found at @maddiiiooyx and other work can be found at madisonpaloski.wixsite.com/portfolio.