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5 Things You Need to Start a YouTube Channel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Have you ever thought about starting your own YouTube channel, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re wondering what kind of equipment YouTubers use to film their videos? YouTubers use a wide variety of different equipment, from lighting to tripods to editing software. There’s so much that goes into putting these videos together. In this article, you’ll learn about what kind of equipment is used to put together the perfect YouTube video!

1. Camera

This is a pretty obvious one. Almost all YouTubers have at least two different cameras, one for filming main channel videos and one for vlogging. If you’re on a budget, iPhone cameras or basically any phone with a camera works as well!

2. Lighting

Good lighting is important when filming a video. There are different kinds of lighting like ring lights, softbox lights, and of course the free option, natural light. Good lighting can really make or break a video!

3. Tripod

This goes with the cameras. You need a sturdy tripod to hold up your camera while filming. You can get table top tripods or one that stands on the ground.

4. Microphone

Microphones are another important factor when filming YouTube videos. Without it, the audience will not be able to hear you. You can get microphones that plug into your iPhone, laptop, or even your camera.

5. Video Editing Software

All YouTubers have expensive video editing software that they use to edit their videos. Let’s face it, you don’t want to pay for expensive software right away. Editing on iMovie works as well if you are on a budget!


Gabriela Giubilo is a senior at Lasell College. She is majoring in Event Management with a minor in Psychology. She loves to read, watch tv, spend lots of time on Tumblr, and hang out with friends in family. She just completed a semester abroad in Queensland, Australia. Her goal is to work as an event designer and move to LA.