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Why You Should Limit Your Social Media Usage

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

In society today, social Media has become a lifestyle for people and even some are able to make a living off of it. There are bloggers, Youtubers and others who ar “internet famous.” The people who are “internet famous” are able to profit off of their influence on various social media platforms; People like us, being regular college students who follow the social media influencers, and also whom buy their products and like every picture posted. 

Social media influencers profit off of their social media presence while the population of fans and followers don’t really get much out of social media, besides a few connections and a boosted ego. 

As social media becomes a larger part in society, many people find themselves addicted to the attention.

Here are a few reasons why you should be mindful of your social media usage:


1. It’s not worth it.

    Social media is used to pass time, don’t waste your time following the activities of others when you could be doing more productive things.

2. You learn to be dependent on others.

    By subconsciously associating your self worth with your amount of likes and followers, you are placing your value in the hands of others. When the likes stop coming in, you’ll easily lose confidence in yourself. 

3. Life is too public

    It causes drama in various relationships and employers. Friends are able to see when you go out without them, significant others are able to see who you follow and who’s pictures you like, which can potentially cause relationship problems. Relationship problems have slowly made it’s way into the public eye as well. 

4. You shouldn’t worry about what others are doing

    Social media isn’t reality. You see photoshopped pictures of people at their best angles in locations they rarely come to. When you constantly see these images you associate them as normal, but it is important to keep in mind they are not. You will make yourself unhappy by holding yourself to the standards of others. 

5. It makes it harder to move forward in life.

    Those who look to the past will be stuck in it. If you keep creeping on your ex’s or exes’ social media page, you’re only making yourself miserable.


Learn to limit your usage and challenge yourself to cut down by an hour each day this week. Sometimes moderation of social media can be a good thing.