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Yellow: A Winter Power Move

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

 When it comes to finding the ideal outfit for night time adventures, I, like you, try to hide myself in dark colors. They give off an aura of mystery, while protecting us from unwanted attention. Black and gray are go-to’s, especially in the cold and bleak winter months. 

But I have an idea. Call it a vision maybe. What if instead of shielding ourselves with the comfort of being unnoticed, we brightened up the streets with our outfits?

Now I understand that this idea will probably come with some negative feedback, hesitation, and protest. I am reluctant to get rid of my gray sweater and pure black dresses, but hear me out. Rather than accepting the mundane, boring, half-alive and mostly dead nature of the season, we fight back?

Keep the little black dress in the closet, because you are a ray of sunshine. Source

I experience something called Seasonal affective disorder, better known as SAD. And this is quite a fitting name, because I often find myself struggling to get out of bed, taking a lot of naps, eating irregularly, and feeling like my skin is turning ash gray. And to make things even worse, everywhere I look, the same colors of gloom surround me.

Yellow has been known to represent the color of sunshine, hope, and happiness, freshness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy. In this desperate time of need, couldn’t we use even one of the above feelings? Wearing yellow this winter may be the source of refreshment that gets us to the spring sunshine.

Umm, hello?! This sweatshirt is only $9.99, and has roses on the sleeves. I repeat, roses. A must have. Source

If one is feeling lost or desolate, color therapy (also known as chromotherapy, is the method of treating ailments through the use of color) is a possible solution, and this has improved my downcast conditions of the season. Yellow especially helps to feel a newfound enthusiasm.Any blue jeans go with these kicks, and pastels give off a hopeful Spring vibe. Get your own pair here.

An iconic power move of the season: cover the world with a bright and cheerful color. There are so many options in the fashion industry to revolutionize the sadness of the cold months, and the more the merrier. Take your wardrobe from drab to fab with this vibrant shade.



Madeleine is a senior at the University of Kansas double majoring in Creative Writing and Journalism. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, Madeleine spent the last few years of her high school career publishing two books (http://www.lulu.com/shop/m-rheinheimer/project-105/paperback/product-23264977.html + http://www.lulu.com/shop/madeleine-rheinheimer/undefined/paperback/product-22938535.html)  and traveling around the city speaking and sharing with locals. Knowing since the fourth grade that she was destined to be a writer when she grew up, Madeleine enjoys anything that involves creative expression. You can follow her personal blog at: https://illiterateblondes.com