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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Why Mocking Melania Trump is Not Cool


    Throughout recent executive changes, a host of internet memes have surfaced directly targeting America’s new first lady, Melania Trump. Starting January 19th, Inauguration Day, Melania’s every move was immediately casted into the unforgiving spotlight of the media. Through her hesitant and almost aloof behavior, she became the subject of jokes such as the “#FreeMelania” trend, and frequently being referred to as the “First Victim”. 

    These attacks on Melania’s agency directly contradict the stances held at events such as The Women’s March on Washington. Don’t get me wrong, i’m all for advocating women’s rights. I identify as a feminist, and attended the march myself. That being said, women empowerment is about uniting as a gender and relaying to abolish the inequity’s present in society. Those feminists who publically attack Melania, rake feminism through the mud. It contradicts everything we stand and advocate for.

 It is deeply sexist to degrade Trump by mocking her slight movements, like the momentary frown made at her husband’s inauguration. Seen as a cry for help, taunters took it too far. The ridiculing of Trump goes against everything feminists, and women in general, should believe in. Instead of tirelessly sneering at our new First Lady, the support and compassion we should project, would inevitably benefit our nation. Regardless of your political, or world views, making fun of this woman who was thrown into one of the most watched positions on the planet, is as naive as it is degrading.

    The only way we can truly understand why the ridiculing needs to stop, is by following the age old mantra; put yourself in her shoes. Looking at America’s division and turmoil, while constantly having your identity attacked, just plain sucks. I think it is time to follow the wise words of Madonna, “Women need to start embracing, and being vocally supportive of one another.” So here’s to you Melania, make us proud!