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The Ten Stages of Realizing It Snowed (College Edition)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

1. Thinking your friends must be lying to you.

What is this cruel prank and what did I do to deserve it?


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2. The realization that it’s true- miracle of all miracles, there’s snow on the ground.

Maybe most of you are used to this, but some of us see snow rarely enough to still be surprised by it- and to react to it the way a child does to Christmas morning. Oops.

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3. Fighting the urge to take pictures/videos.

And then giving into that urge doing it anyway. Sorry to be obnoxious, friends and family back home, but look! At! This!

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4. Being flabbergasted that people are still going out/making plans that involve going inside in…this.

Do you not see what’s falling from the sky right now? How could you want to do anything other than watch it from inside?

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5. The persistent wonder of whether or not any of your professors will cancel class because of it.

Hey, they feel the same way you do. They want to drive to class the exact same amount that you want to walk there. It’s not impossible. It’s definitely not impossible.

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6. Accepting, after an empty school email inbox, that classes are definitely still happening.

Hey, a girl can dream, right? Moving on.


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7. Moving on fairly quickly to excitement because at least campus looks super pretty covered in snow.

White is totally this campus’s color.

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8. Wondering what you’re expected to wear in this.

Suddenly nothing in the closet looks like it was made for snow. At least this is a great excuse to break out the super cute rain boots you haven’t worn since November.

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9. On the other hand, wondering where the heck this was on Christmas.

Was a white Christmas too much to ask for? The snow came, it just came a month or two late. A for effort.

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10. Deciding it’s okay, because it’s here NOW, and it’s a winter wonderland.

And in college, it’s the little things. 


Lucie (originally from Tulsa, OK) is a fourth-year journalism major at KU. Her favorite things include (but are not limited to) coffee, new music, life in LFK, and every dog in existence (they are all good dogs). While being involved in a handful of student organizations on campus, HerCampus was her first step into campus involvement and she absolutely loves everything it has to offer. She is ecstatic to be HerCampus KU's content copyeditor.