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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

I was recently watching some YouTube videos when I stumbled across “25 bizarre sports you probably never heard of.” There were five sports that ultimately caught my attention. This article is a going to debrief these sports. I will include the video that I saw on YouTube so that you can see the other questionable sports that were on the list. 

1.      Bo-taoshi

A Japanese sport that has two teams of 150 people. The objective is to simply try to pull down your opponent’s pole. Nevertheless, with 150 people I doubt the actual action of doing so is anything but simple.

Video Cred.: MaxHines

2.      Quidditch

This sport is originally based on the fictional sport in Harry Potter. I am still a little confused about this sport, so I think it’s best for people from UCLA who play it to explain it.

Video Cred: UCLA

3.      Kite-Tubing

This is sport where an individual rides on top of an inner tube, either on water, snow or through the air. This sport is known to be very dangerous and is not recommended for anyone to try. Even with that, I must admit it is pretty cool!

Video Cred: torn66

4.      One-Wheel Mountain Biking

Same thing as regular mountain biking, only you have one instead of two wheels.

Video Cred: Terry Peterson

5.      Chess Boxing

I honestly don’t even know how this came to be. But if you like chess and boxing, this is the sport for you.

Video Cred: dan hodgson

In case you want to check out more unheard of “sports”:

Video Cred: list25