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RED: Taylor Swift’s New Album Is Finally Here

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

At a school like Kenyon, where acoustic-indie-bands-that-nobody-has-ever-heard-of reign supreme, my musical preference for contemporary pop might seem unsophisticated. So, while I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I turn to Ke$ha and One Direction when I’m getting ready in the morning, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell you that I have a slight obsession with Taylor Swift. Because in all honesty, any girl who says differently is lying.

Since her new album, RED, was released Monday, collegiettes everywhere are furiously clicking on iTunes to get the latest from the country crossover phenomenon. And it doesn’t disappoint. Unlike Taylor’s last album, which she wrote completely on her own, RED is a collaborative effort with songs featuring Gary Lightbody and Ed Sheeran. This was a good move on T-Swift’s part, as it adds variety to the predictable topics. But maybe it’s because we know what she’s going to sing about—falling in love, breaking up—that we love Taylor. If there’s any artist we can relate to, it’s this girl.

Songs like “Treacherous,” “Stay Stay Stay,” and “Begin Again” are perfect for the girls who just want to sing and smile about their newfound romances. Girls on the other end of the relationship spectrum—those who are going through breakups—can turn to “The Last Time” and “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” to deal with their rough patches. Of course, if you’re single and loving it, Taylor has a song for you, too. “22” and “Starlight” are all about being young and having fun, which is something we can all appreciate.

Once again, Taylor pulled it off and made an album that any girl can shamelessly admit to loving. We break down the new album:

The Whimsical Song: “Stay Stay Stay”
If you’ve been looking for a song that combines a mandolin and a digitally enhanced xylophone, your wait is over! (But in all seriousness, that’s probably never been done before.) In classic T-Swift fashion, “Stay Stay Stay” is country with a twist. The twang comes out in this upbeat song with verses that can be described as cute and clever. With a simple chorus and Taylor’s characteristic sincerity, this song is bound to put you in a good mood, whether you’re driving to work or getting ready for a night out.

The Empowering Breakup Song: “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”
This is the song that sparked the hype. Back in August, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” was released to mixed reviews. With not even a hint of country, the sass Taylor offers is exactly what any girl needs as she goes through a breakup. She’s neither upset nor regretful about her situation, proving that you don’t need to sulk about a failed romance.

The Sad, Emotional Breakup Song: “The Last Time” (Feat. Gary Lightbody)
In combination with haunting piano and Gary Lightbody’s heartbreakingly beautiful voice, Taylor’s lyrics strike a nerve. “The Last Time” is about a couple that can’t make things work out. Singing about her sorrow, she seems to come from a point of desperation, and if you’ve ever had a broken heart, you know about this all too well.

The Song For The Girl Falling In Love: “Treacherous”
Don’t let the title fool you; “Treacherous” is for the girl just beginning a relationship. The closing lyrics, “This slope is treacherous, I-I-I like it,” sum up the sentimental song well and evoke a sense of hopefulness. This is exactly the type of song you think of when you think of Taylor—part country, part pop, and about a boy. So diehard fans, put this one on the top of your list.

The Song You Want To Blast While Driving With Your Friends: “22”
This is the song that celebrates friends, and with a reference to hipsters in the first line, it’s perfect for Kenyon Ladies looking forward to a girls’ night out. Similarly to “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” Taylor loses the country feel that made her famous, but it seems appropriate for this song. In singing about being “happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way,” Taylor makes this song appealing to girls in any type of mood.

The Song About The Night You’ll Never Forget: “Starlight”
Whereas Taylor’s last two albums featured songs that made you nostalgic for childhood (“The Best Day” and “Never Grow Up”), the closest she comes on RED is “Starlight.” Remember being 17 and having the biggest dreams? Taylor fondly reminisces about one night when she felt like she was “made of starlight.” This song is another good one to keep on a girls’ night out playlist as it just makes you want to dance with your friends and stay young forever.