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The Political Collegiette’s Roundup (After Debate #1)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

As most of us Kenyon Collegiettes know, tonight Mitt and Barack squared off in the first of a series of three debates. Many of us gathered to watch in our beautiful new Gund Gallery where we were treated to chips, dip, and wine. However, tonight isn’t about who you’re voting for (although you might be able to guess for whom I’ll be casting my ballot), but rather about the crazy interwebz and all the fun content its given us in light of this exciting election 2012 event. 

Obama is up in Ohio! (and Florida)–that’s 2 major swing states!

NYT’s detailed analysis of the candidate’s body language

p.s. did you know Michelle and Barack celebrated their TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY tonight

Jezebel’s brilliant debate inspired drinking game

Political Parody

The Big Bird Explosion–(or the statement that launched a thousand tweets)

The Aftermath of the 47%

And now…for the tweets (thanks/sorry/but mostly thanks if I tooka screenshot your tweet)…(did anyone else find ABC’s twitterfeed running on the bottom of the screen to be pretty intruiguing in gauging the public response to both candidates debating chops?) Even if not–it certainly highlighted the crucial role social media plays in today’s political sphere:



and remember early voting has begun in our VIP swing state Ohio–so get out there and VOTE!!!


Sara is a senior English major, Art History minor, and Women's and Gender studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She was born and raised in Manhattan and never dreamed she would attend college surrounded by cornfields. She has spent two summers as an editorial intern at ELLE Magazine. She always has a magazine (or three) with her. She loves her role as Kenyon's Campus Correspondent!