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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

It’s the end of the semester—the list of work that needs to be done is miles long and you don’t have a drop of motivation left in you. Time to procrastinate! But what’s that feeling, seeping out from the back of your mind? Is it…guilt? Regret? An impending existential crisis? You know you shouldn’t be procrastinating—you need to be productive in these final days of the semester—yet you want to with nearly every fiber of your being.


If this scenario speaks to you, then you’re in luck! Here are some ways that you can procrastinate and still feel productive.


1.     Do your laundry. You will feel much better about doing work if you feel good about your outfit.

2.     Clean your room. Especially clean your desk, because a clean work environment leads to more productivity! So really, if you didn’t take the time to clean before you started studying, you’d be doing yourself a disservice.

3.     Organize your school supplies. See reasoning above.

4.     Read! Whether you’re reading a book for school or for fun, there’s no way anyone can tell you reading isn’t productive.

5.     Do work for other classes. You know, the work you don’t mind doing, the work that isn’t nearly as urgent as the work you should be doing.

6.     Take BuzzFeed quizzes. We’re not just at college to study physics or music or Spanish, but also to learn about ourselves. What better way than finding out what you would be if you were a dessert, or which Disney princess you are?

7.     Watch YouTube videos. There is a lot of educational content on YouTube, and watch these videos could actually count as study time, depending on the classes you’re in. My suggestions are Crash Course, SciShow, Vsauce, MinutePhysics, and The Brain Scoop.

8.     Call your parents. They’ll love you for it! Plus, parents can easily talk about how their friend’s cousin’s daughter is doing, or about a lunch they had with the one extended family member you really don’t like, and all you have to sit there and say “Okay” every once in a while to sound like you are interested.*

9.     Spend time with friends. You won’t see them for three whole weeks, so get in some quality time now!

10.  Read Her Campus Kenyon! Or, if you’re a writer for HCK, write an article (what are you talking about I’m totally not procrastinating no way…)


*Mom, if you’re reading this, I love our phone convos. Don’t take this seriously. In all honesty, phone calls with parents can be a really nice way of spending time, and relaxing too.


Procrastinate away, collegiettes! Good luck with all of your finals!

Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.
Abigail Roberts is a senior English/Creative Writing major at Kenyon College. When she's not writing, she's wasting away on Netflix, voting, or being weird about Victorian literature.