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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Coming to JMU was a big change for me, and living in a place that wasn’t with my parents made me even more nervous. I remember the day I got my email saying who my roommates were and I instantly went to Facebook and Instagram to try to find you all. Little did I know that a few months later, you all would become some of my best friends.


The first day I moved in, nobody was actually home so that gave me the opportunity to get myself together. When you all moved in later in the week, I was nervous and excited. You all welcomed me with open arms and asked me about myself, and that meant more than you’ll ever know. You all knew each other and I was the odd one out, but you all never made me feel that way!


So, here I am to say thanks.

Thank you for move-in margs.

This was a tradition I wasn’t sure I was gonna like. Even though I may not be living with you all again next year, you know that I’m definitely gonna get us all together to continue this tradition.


Thank you for making me laugh.

There have been times when I’ve been so overwhelmed and I didn’t think there was anything I could do to calm down, and sure enough you all helped with that. You all would either tell me a funny story that happened that day or just a cheesy joke you found on the internet. Even when I was having a good day, you all would still work to make sure I’d laugh.


Thank you for the life talks.

This part is extremely important. Since I moved here I felt like I didn’t belong, and you all helped make me feel comfortable with not just myself, but the world. You all were the rocks I needed when I was crying because I couldn’t understand something in my class, or when I was stress baking four dozen cookies.


Thank you for being my best friends.

You ladies know more about me than most people ever will. You all know I have a strong love of chicken nuggets and that’s the easiest way to make me smile. Thank you for becoming the most important women in my life and thank you for helping me become the woman I want to be.


Overall, you women are some of the most inspiring and amazing people I’ve ever met. You all are constantly encouraging, supporting, and just overall helping me with every little thing I’ve ever needed. So here’s to you for being awesome–I wouldn’t be who I am without you.

Rachel graduated from the Honors College at James Madison University in May 2017 and is pursuing a career in the media/PR industry. She majored in Media Arts & Design with a concentration in journalism and minored in Spanish and Creative Writing. She loves spending time with friends and family, traveling, and going to the beach.