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Not in the Mood for a Chick Flick?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is without a doubt the time of year that the word “chick flick” is most over-used. Now, don’t get me wrong: I love a good chick flick. Those Movies that make you feel hopeful and make you inadvertently say, “Aw, oh my gosh” have their time and place, that’s for sure. But maybe this year, you can’t think o
f anything worse that watching a Nicholas Sparks adaptation. Check out “Drive,” an intense thriller that is surprisingly violent – more than I anticipated. Ryan Gosling’s stoic performance is the one thing will distract you away from allof the gore! Or consider renting  “Warrier,” the surprisingly well-reviewed movie about two estranged brothers that enter a Mixed Martial Arts tournament. Another classic stand by is “Saving Private Ryan,” one of, in my opinion, the best war movies of the 21st century. If you’re in the mood for something British, check out  “Run, Fat Boy, Run” – it was even directed by David Schwimmer (a.k.a. Ross from “Friends”!). These are just a few titles that you might not have considered but could be a perfect two-ish hour break from all of the Valentine’s Day hubbub.

Chantal Johnson is a senior at James Madison University, studying Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema. Aside from Her Campus JMU, she is involved with University Program Board. Chantal loves hanging out with her friends, listening to her "feel good" playlist on her iPod, or just curling up with a really good book in her spare time. Chantal loves her hometown, Roanoke,Virginia, but can't wait to graduate and explore her opportunities around the world! Within the next 10 years, Chantal's dream job would be becoming "the next Shonda Rhimes"!