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Writer Profile: Audrey Hazel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

Audrey Hazel is a freshmen writer for Her Campus! Check out her articles in the JHU contributer page!

1. Name:  Audrey Hazel

2. Major, Year: International Studies, Freshmen

3. Hometown: Talent, Oregon

4. Affiliated with: Track, Her Campus

5. You can usually find me: Eating Eggs

6. My favorite part about Hopkins is: My Friends 

7. I am most proud of: My Ability to Sleep

8. In five years I will be: In Grad School

9. Something most people don’t know about me is: I’m afraid of lady bugs

10. My favorite location on campus is: The Beach

11. What are you looking forward to this semester? 

Spring Track Season!

13. How do you plan to spend Spring break?  

Meeting My sister’s new baby!


Class of 2019 student athlete dog lover Chipotle consumer