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Her Campus JHU: YouTubers Worth Watching

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

We all know that some major celebs have reached super-stardom by being discovered on YouTube, like Justin Bieber.  But there are also a lot of normal people who have their own shows and have become celebs in their own right.  For example, I had no idea who Jenna Marbles was but the people of Tumblr make gifs of her videos all the time! I had to check out her channel. Three hours later I have no idea how it got to be the middle of the morning and I have class in 5 hours.  The videos are so entertaining and just… there. Taunting you. Waiting for you to watch them.

I’ll admit it: YouTube is an extensive community that is very intimidating.  I don’t have an account. I can’t comment on videos.  I can’t subscribe to channels even though everybody keeps telling me to.  I feel like such a noob. I have gradually gotten to know some of the channels and I know which videos make me smile. I have compiled a list of my favorite YouTubers and some highlights which I believe are worth watching. Not all of the videos are worth your time, and I know there are a lot of good ones that aren’t listed. And there are also a lot of channels I have not discovered yet. I am absolutely willing to take suggestions of good ones to start watching. But for now, as a busy collegiette, I think that four is enough.

1. www.youtube.com/user/JacksGap

Okay. These are the beautiful twins that inspired me to write this article: Jack and Finn Harries, or JacksGap.  I go back and forth between the twins, trying to decide with whom I would be more compatible. They did a collab with fellow YouTuber “danisnotonfire”and decided to try to make derp faces together. Here is a screenshot I took of them. Notice Jack (right)’s face. How majestic.

LE SIGH. Not only are they silly, but they make videos about traveling and being kind to people. They remind me that there are beautiful men in the world who are also genuinely nice and dashing. And, they are my age. I am silly! I like traveling and being kind to people! My birthday was also in 1993! As my hero, Anna Kendrick’s Twitter bio would say, “Form an orderly queue, gents.”

2. www.youtube.com/user/tyleroakley 

Tyler Oakley has had a channel for a while and has some of the most entertaining videos on YouTube. He calls himself a “Professional Fangirl”, but he is so much more than that. He has become pretty popular and VIP. He hosts shows, including Trevor Live.  He went to London and hung out with Jack and Finn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX_lwbqQsOg  Tyler Oakley + Jack and Finn + British Slang = excellence.  While he is a veritable celeb of the internet and the gay community, Tyler is still one of us.  I can’t stop watching this video where he freaks out about newly released pictures of Darren Criss because that is EXACTLY how I reacted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cinsVAaTESY

3. www.youtube.com/user/ItsKingsleyBitch 

Kinglsey is definitely the brashest out of everyone mentioned.  He has strong opinions and rants about pop culture.  He is entertaining in small quantities. Like, sometimes his videos are too long and I can’t finish them.  But I love him.  I am also a huge fan of when YouTubers collab. Here, Kinglsey and Tyler answer your questions and I think it is pretty great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKkxoRqH8XI

4. www.youtube.com/user/JennaMarbles 

Jenna is hysterical. She strives to be informative about what and how girls think and sometimes I even learn something. Her interactions with people are also highlighted, like this video where she discovered a phrase that works for her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EldZB85l6bU I now find myself screaming it in my head.  I like the fact that she is willing to make fun of herself and she seems like someone I would get along with.  I also share her love of Spider-Man. This is also a great one, where she shares some ridiculous dance moves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIfJSEnuz4w

All of these YouTubers have Twitters that are updated frequently and keep them even more in contact with their fans. Like I said, YouTube is an intense community and I do not have enough time to keep up with all the videos and the tomfoolery. But is fun to watch these videos from time to time while I procrastinate.