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HC Senior Writer: Sarah White

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

1.     Name: Sarah White

2.     Major, Year: Writing Seminars, Junior

3.     Hometown: South Salem, NY

4.     Affiliated with: Pi Beta Phi

5.    You can probably find me…At Chipotle (or realistically, pacing in my apartment deciding whether to actually go to Chipotle) if I’m not in Brody writing for one of the multiple publications I am a part of, at dance practice, or watching Netflix.

6.    The best thing about Hopkins is…The respectful, intellectual atmosphere, and the camaraderie that accompanies it.

7.    Something I’m especially proud of is…This summer, I was promoted from intern to lead editor at my internship with Miss Millennia Magazine. As the head of the editorial team, I am trying to drive our content to its highest quality while creating a space for Generation Y women to share experiences. In addition, I get to write as a relationship columnist, something I’ve always wanted to try (à la Carrie Bradshaw, though I hate shoe shopping so it isn’t quite the same). I also learned to use Google Hangout (necessary for virtual meetings).

8.    Something most people don’t know about me is…The color of the light purple Crayola crayon (I’ve done my research and I think it’s “Purple Mountain’s Majesty”, just saying) makes me super nauseous. When I was younger, I used it on a Powerpuff Girls coloring book on a road trip and got carsick while doing so.

9.    This year, I hope to…Continue to meet new people and find more activities that make me happy, just as I have in the past two years.

10.  In five years, I will be…Making people laugh.

11.  Next up for me is…(an event or project you may be working on) Writing more fiction pieces to hopefully enter into competitions/submit to publications. In addition, I’ll be working hard at Miss Millennia to promote our upcoming (new) site launch. In the meantime, look out for my newest play, “The Way They Went”, in the fall Witness Theater showcase!


Look for me around campus! I’ll probably be wearing sweatpants (I’m trying to quit).