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8-Brain Boosting Superfoods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

As Hopkins students, our brains need to stay in tip-top shape at pretty much all hours of the day. Whether its bright and early for a 9 am exam or late into the night finishing a paper, our minds are constantly put under pressure to stay sharp and deliver. It turns out that proper nutrition can be just as important for our mind and memory as it is to our bodies. So the next time you face an extra stressful and demanding week (which is, let’s be honest, pretty much every week at Hopkins), try adding in a few of these brain-boosting super foods to your diet to ensure that your brain is functioning at optimal levels.


1)    Pumpkin seeds.

October might be months in the past, but these seeds should still be finding their way into your diet. Just a handful of pumpkin seeds can provide your body with its daily-recommended intake of zinc, which has been shown to be critical for memory and thinking skills.

2)    Dark Chocolate.

Now this is one I think we can all get on board with. It turns out that dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which have been shown to improve blood flow to the brain and throughout your body. The caffeine content doesn’t hurt either.

3)    Broccoli.

I know, I know. Broccoli is probably the last food that comes to mind when you’re cramming for an upcoming exam – but hear me out. This vegetable is chock full of vitamin K, which is proven to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower. Try eating some broccoli with a nice veggie dip or add it to whatever quick dinner your fixing up. It will be worth it when you’re powering through your studying!

4)    Walnuts.

These little guys are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with better concentration and improved mood. Though the same healthy fats can be found in fish, like salmon, walnuts are far more convenient and budget-friendly. Add some to your salad or yogurt, or just eat as a snack on their own!

5)    Beans.

Imagine if just adding a tasty bean dip to your study snack could bolster brain power? Well, good news! Beans are high in iron, which is essential for proper cognitive function. This is especially critical for us young women, since we are at a high risk of anemia, which can have impacts on both our mind and body.  

6)    Spinach.

Again, probably not the go-to food when you’re super stressed. That said, why not set yourself up for success and have a nice spinach salad in the days leading up to an important exam? Spinach contains vital nutrients and antioxidants, which protect the brain cells from damage. The potassium found in spinach may also improve thinking and recall capacity – the key ingredient to getting that A you’re working so hard for!

7)    Strawberries, Watermelon, Cucumbers.

What do the above foods have in common? They are filled with water! Research has shown that hydration is absolutely essential for keeping your memory sharp and motivation intact. Filling up on these healthy, water-infused fruits and vegetables can help you think more clearly and prevent dehydration from becoming a distraction.

8)    Green Tea.

Researchers have found a relationship between green tea and the electrical connectivity of the brain, which may play a role in preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, this tasty tea may boost memory and improve concentration!

With your mind and body fueled with these brain-boosting foods, there will be nothing stopping you from tackling even your most demanding weeks!

Alyssa is currently a junior at Johns Hopkins University majoring in public health. She is also a pre-med student, who hopes to pursue a career in primary care. She has been interested in nutrition and fitness for over 6 years and hopes to be able to use her passion and knowledge in these areas to help others live the happiest and healthiest lives possible. 
Megan DiTrolio is a writing seminars major at Johns Hopkins University.