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Samantha Graham, Her Campus VP

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Meet Samantha Graham, also known as Sami, a senior Journalism and Public Relations major. Originally a psychology major, Sami made the switch when she realized that her passion was not in psychology.

Currently, Sami is the Vice President of Her Campus and she is also a member in the Society of Professional Journalists, also known as SPJ. For Her Campus Sami aids the presidents in the operations of the organization and is working on a story for SPJ. Although Sami does not participate in many organizations across campus, she makes a point to attend as many events as possible and regularly writes articles on them.

Sami’s time at IUP is quickly coming to a close and she has her eyes set on graduation and getting her degree. Sami said that she gets through her tough days at IUP by focusing on the goals she wants to achieve throughout her life.

Sami’s favorite quote “Know yourself, know your worth,” comes from her best friend. She said that this is a quote she sticks by no matter what and has even had it added to a shirt.

To the underclassmen, but especially the freshmen, Sami had a few words of advice, “Try to get involved in as many things as you can without stressing yourself out too much. Joining clubs and organizations is a great way to keep yourself out of trouble at IUP, and organizations also help build your resume. You have your whole life to party and have fun, but make these four years mean something. You also have your whole life for relationships, so try focusing more on school than on friendships and relationships.”

If you see Sami around campus make sure to say hi and wish her good luck on her future endeavors!

Danielle Jones is from Jeannette, Pennsylvania--a small town with big pride. As an English, Writing major with a minor is Business Administration she loves words and truly believes in their power. She is currently one of two Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at IUP. In her free time, Danielle enjoys reading, writing, and all things Shonda Rhimes.