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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.



I’ve found that the library is extremely underrated.

Some people say they prefer working from the comfort of their own bed, or that they’re plenty productive when sitting on the floor in their best friend’s room. My thought is that perhaps some people are simply intimidated by the library? I don’t know. But this I do know: the library has so many useful resources for students to utilize that it would be a shame to put them to waste.

1.     Books – I mean, duh. It’s a library. Whether you have requirements for a research paper or simply want more information about an interesting subject, IUP’s library is extensive enough for you to find almost anything you want on a subject.

2.     Study Rooms – There are so many spaces to use if you just need a quiet place to study away from those obnoxious floormates or pestering friends. There are many individual study stations including several individual study rooms that isolate you from everything else outside. Need to study for a class with a few other classmates? No problem; there are also several group study rooms that you can reserve and get unlocked through the Media Circulation Desk.

3.     Spacious – Dorm rooms are just small, we all know that. And it’s often difficult to find the room to spread out and do your work when you have all your clutter surrounding you, (and let’s face it, the floor really isn’t that comfy.) The library has many table areas in which it’s easy to spread out comfortably to work on whatever project is due within the week.

4.     Java City – Because who doesn’t like a good coffee while you’re studying? If you’re ever in need of some refreshment, caffeinated or not, Java City is conveniently located on the ground floor of the library whenever you need a little pick-me-up. Just be careful not to spill on the couches!

Whether you think you’ll get more work done or not, give the library a shot. Go exploring! There are so many hidden nooks and crannies that you’ll be sure to find an area that’s perfect for you. You may be surprised to how fast time flies when you’re focused on work instead of distracted by your normal surroundings.