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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Well, the first month of school is completely done! Congratulations on making it this far or being able to reestablish yourself for another awesome year of learning. But wait! We already have something to celebrate. Around this time of year, a billion and two years ago, Columbus discovered America. Even though he was NOT the first to do so (there’s a fun history lesson for you), let’s honor his accomplishment by checking out some online reviews so that you, too, can discover something new.

Here are some ideas for new discoveries you can make:

Go thrift shopping!

Since Columbus was the second person to discover America, we’re going to appreciate his efforts by wading through piles of discounted clothing. Not only does this holiday give you an excuse to shop, but it will also help you start the week right by saving money.



Start a 30-day challenge.

It’s the start of a new month – what better time to start a 30 day workout challenge to give yourself a good sweat? Check out Pinterest for some help finding the perfect fit.



Check out a new club.


Although it is getting towards the middle of semester, many clubs are still open to having new members. Check the university calendar or The Beak daily newsletter and put a new experience on your schedule!


So whether or not Columbus truly did discover America, that doesn’t mean it is too late to discover a new you! Happy Columbus Day to all and to all a good night!

Victoria Stone is a Freshman at IUP majoring in middle level education with a specialty in social studies. When she is not studying or eating, she enjoys spending her time outdoors, doing yoga, or attempting the impossible crafts on Pinterest. This year, her New Year's resolution is to run a 5K.