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Billionaries and Bloomington Bars: Mark Cuban Edition (Yes, THE Mark Cuban!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

It was Thursday night when Tweets and Facebook statuses exploded like wildfire: “Ryan Gosling is at Kilroy’s in Bloomington!?” “Is Mark Cuban really here?” “Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, and Mark Cuban all in Bloomington?!” 

We were instantly at the scene to investigate; for journalistic motives of course…

The scene was that of the typical Thursday night, apart from the low whisper of various bar crawlers questioning the rumors.  The word on the street was that the trio started at Nicks on Kirkwood, but had made their way to Kilroy’s Sports Bar on Walnut Street. We snooped and eavesdropped, desperate to find the location of our starlets, and then there came a sign from above.
“Hey Mark Cuban! The party is up here! Come crash my house!” shouted a man hanging halfway out the window from an apartment a few floors above the busy street.  He pointed across the road where lo and behold, Mark Cuban was walking with a group scuffling behind begging for pictures.

We pulled him aside from the drunken crowd and asked what brought him to our little town of Bloomington.
“I’m here to see two old friends of mine that live here,” he explained.

With further investigation we discovered that Cuban attended IU and graduated with a business degree. Clearly it served him well.

One would think that a billionaire and owner of the Dallas Mavericks would be intimidating and unwilling to give two young reporters his time, however, he was very approachable and even friendly.  Later, Cuban even picked us out from the crowd in front of Kilroy’s Sports Bar and asked if we would come in, to which we had to regretfully decline.

Rumors were still circling that Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper were out and about Bloomington last night as well. If you dined at Farm or stopped for a drink at Nick’s, you might have seen the two blonde hotties. Whether we found them or not, you’ll never know!
All and all, trekking through the cold to get a glimpse of fame (for the sake of investigative journalism) was well worth our time.  Hopefully the with the Super Bowl approaching and the upcoming Little 5 events will bring us more celebrities to stalk… I mean interview. And even though Mark Cuban only stopped by campus, we think he can still be considered a campus celebrity…. because he really is a celebrity. 

Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes