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Five Important Life Lessons from Grey’s Anatomy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

1. We all have a “person.”

We all have someone out there that is our person and our soul mate. Grey’s Anatomy makes it clear that it is more than okay to have our person in addition to our significant other. If you don’t know who your person is, look out for those you consider a brother or sister, even if they aren’t related to you in any way. It’s someone you’d do anything for and will always be there for.


2. When in doubt, dance it out!

No matter what you’re feeling, happy or stressed, put on some headphones or grab a friend and turn on the radio and dance. Let everything go, and be yourself. Have fun, even in those times when you don’t think it’s possible. Thirty second dance parties can really make a difference in your day.


3. You can’t learn without trying.

Taking risks and making mistakes, even failing, is okay. It’s the way you learn, and it’s the way you make a difference. If things were easy, life wouldn’t be interesting. So take risks, make mistakes, fail, repeat and succeed.


4. Be you, and be proud.

We always draw inspiration from others, but sometimes we forget that we should also inspire ourselves. Look back at all the things you’ve gone through in life. You’ve been on a roller coaster ride from day one, and you have to appreciate yourself and be proud. When you’re exhausted at the end of a day, that means you’ve tried your hardest. It’s okay to be exhausted; just make sure you’re also taking care of yourself and sleeping.


5. We all grow up, whether we like it or not.

However, just because we grow up, does not mean the fun stops. It just means that along with the fun and games there are responsibilities we have to deal with. If you think about it though, when hasn’t there been something you’ve had to deal with? We just have to learn how to manage everything. It takes time, trust me. If you don’t figure it out right away, you’re not alone.

Thank you Grey’s Anatomy for both these and the other important lessons you’ve taught us (and also for being our latest binge watching addiction on Netflix)!


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Shayna DePersia is from New York City. She's an Integrated Marketing and Communications major at Ithaca College's Roy H. Park School of Communications. She'd love to have a job in the creative department of an advertising agency when she graduates in 2018. While that's how she'd want to start her career off, her dreams include a talk show, and more importantly, to one day have a foster home in NYC (and expand upstate.) While she's the Social Media Director for Her Campus Ithaca (HCIC,) she loves writing articles when she can the most! P.S. You can call her Shay