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The Do’s and Don’ts of Kendall Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Dage – (noun) Outrageous party during the day, usually starting with mimosas and ending with Chipotle. Day + rage = dage. Can be used as a verb.

ex. So stoked for the dage next weekend. Let’s go to the commons for food after.

As warmer weather and finals are coming up, so is what IC students have been longing for since the start of spring semester: Kendall Day. Sure, we have Penn Day and Prospect Day, but Kendall Day is the legendary day party that may or may not be the reason you’ve been looking forward to finals week. The “I’m Shmacked” video from 2012 let the world see how we Bombers do it and put us up in the ranks with huge party schools like Wisconsin and West Virginia University. As the only small school to be featured on I’m Shmacked, we have a reputation to uphold. The dage of all dages is fast approaching, so follow the do’s and don’ts of Kendall Day to make sure it’s your best one yet.

DO try new styles of clothing. Rock those overalls you bought on a whim or borrow your roommate’s tie-dye shorts you’ve been dying to wear. Channel your inner Vanessa Hudgens and take chances, but promise you’ll ditch the flower headband (so last year). Just be able to make sure you’re comfortable and can still dance in what you’re wearing!

DON’T wear your favorite pair of shoes. Chances are, they WILL get ruined. I personally wore my brand new white converse to a dage at the University of Delaware (big mistake) and they still have stains on them. Put on your old vans, converse or Toms and you’re set. Closed toed shoes are the way to go for outdoor parties.

DO eat breakfast. You’ve got a long day of daging ahead of you and you’re going to need the energy.Treat your body right and eat a waffle from Terraces or a bacon egg and cheese from CTB with your friends before the day’s festivities.

DON’T overdo it. Know your body and its limits. Drink a lot of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated. Remember that you will be in broad daylight and that EVERYONE will be able to see you, especially that hot upperclassmen that sits behind you in economics.

DO bring money for a cab or a ride home. You’re definitely not going to want to make the trek back up to campus after an entire day of partying and dancing. Give your legs some rest, sit back and let Collegetown Cabs do all the work.

DON’T be stupid. There will be cops everywhere, so don’t let yourself or those around you get out of control. Reminder: The great outdoors is NOT a bathroom and you are extremely visible on Kendall Day. Be smart like the Her Campus reader you know you are.

DO talk to that cute boy from biology. Getting to know someone at a day party is way easier than trying to talk to someone at a dark and crowded bar or party. Make sure to ask for his number so you two can meet up at Second Floor later.

DON’T make your Snapchat story 200 seconds long. A snap or two for your friends from home is acceptable, but no one needs to see you and your friends funneling off of a roof ten times in a row. Put your phone in your pocket, be social and enjoy the dage.

DO remember to have fun. It’s okay if you tripped and fell in front of everyone or if you were the last person to finish shotgunning. This is your last big hurrah with your classmates before you part for summer, so make it memorable. You’ll need something to reminisce about when you slave away at your summer job and also something to brag about to your friends from home.

Elizabeth is an avid Panera eater/dog lover from Middletown, New Jersey. She has never pumped gas a day in her life and plans to keep it that way. She is currently pursuing a major in Integrated Marketing Communications, but only until Mark McMorris realizes that she's his soulmate. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @lizzygulino